Tax Preparation & Planning
Effective tax preparation and planning can help you to minimize your future tax liability. We can help you proactively manage both your personal and your business taxes, including understanding how upcoming business opportunities impact your tax status and vice versa. Not all tax planning opportunities are readily apparent. By having us on your team, you are more likely to benefit from those opportunities. We understand how the latest federal, state, and local tax legislation affects you, your family and your business.
- Personal & Business Tax Preparation
- Corporate Tax Preparation
- Non-Profit (Exempt) Tax Preparation
- Estate Tax Preparation
- Gift Tax Preparation
Business Entity Selection
The business entity—LLP, LLC, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, etc.— that you select for your business has enormous financial and tax implications. It is important that you make the right decision. We can explain each choice and its implications. As your business grows and changes, we will continue to evaluate whether the type of business entity you choose needs to change.